
The Coney Cycle Volume 1 - Gorden The Rabbit
Season - 1 Episode 7


In Which Gorden Is Summoned

A rustling noise was heard in the grass and, quicker than a slow thing but not quite as quick as a shot a rotund rabbit burst through the undergrowth.

"Phump!" Gorden said to the puffing rabbit. "Why are you running? You know it's not good for you."

"I'v been," pant, wheeze, "sent to" wheeze, pant, "fine you." Phump managed to say. "The" pant wheeze "Head Buck wants" wheeze,wheeze.

"You forgot your 'pants'" said David, helpfully. Plessey giggled, well a little.

"To see you." Phump finished.

"Start again," Gorden said, holding Phump by the shoulder, " but take a few deep breaths first."

Phump regained what composure he'd ever had and started again.

"I've been sent to find you, Gorden" He said,"The Head Buck wants to see you." Then he began to ramble "It's taken me most of the day to find you and i got wet in the rain and had to dry out before the fluff went from my tail and then i lost your trail and then i found it again."

"Thank you." Gorden inturrupted before Flump got himself *too* wound up.

"I've been wondering what to do next," he confided.

"It *is* nearly twilight," David said "And I get scared in the dark."

"But you're nocturnal!" Plessey said.

David fixed him with a piggy, or rather gerbilly stare "My species is nocturnal. I'm not. Your species slithers, you don't" he pointed out.

"Fine, " said Gorden, "That's settled. Back to the warren to see the HB."

"Remember to ask him to write it all down," David said quietly,"With one of

his pencils..."

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